General Uniform
Our school uniform is something that we believe should be worn with pride. We encourage all our children to dress smartly and present themselves well.
All pupils are required to wear:
- a white polo t-shirt or plain white shirt
- a red (Rawcliffe) or blue (Rawcliffe Bridge) school sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan. This can be with or without the school logo.
- Grey trousers, shorts or skirts.
- Blue/Red, grey or black tights may be worn when the weather is cold.
In the warmer weather: Pupils may wear a red/white (Rawcliffe) or blue/white (Rawcliffe Bridge) checked dress.
Sensible shoes must be worn which are black and allow the children to move around safely. Trainers and boots should be avoided. Children can bring in wellingtons when needed.
P.E. Kit
Children have a P.E. kit consisting of black shorts, and a purple polo shirt. We have Federation purple hoodie that can be worn over the P.E kit. As we have a full afternoon of P.E and fitness during our 'Fitness Fridays', children may come to school wearing their appropriate kit on Fridays.
Teachers may, from time-to-time, make requests for P.E kit to be provided at other times, for other events and sessions.
Trainers are not suitable for indoor P.E. but can be worn for outdoor P.E. During colder weather children may wear jogging pants or tracksuit bottoms with the Federation hoodie for outdoor P.E. Football boots, with plastic studs, not metal, can be worn for football sessions.
We do request that all clothing must be named to help lost items of clothing to be reunited with its owner.
Our Federation purple hoodie can be worn on our Federation days.
Polo shirts and sweatshirts bearing the school logo for both Rawcliffe and Rawcliffe Bridge Primary School can be ordered from our uniform supplier:
Clothes 4 Little People, Pasture Road, Goole, DN14 6EZ
Telephone: 01405 720073
Second Hand Sales
Keep an eye out for our Newsletters and on Class Dojo for upcoming second-hand sales. Our PTA sort through all the items and select those that are still of good quality and ask for a small donation towards school funds.