Class 2 Rawcliffe Primary
Class Teacher: Mrs Dean
Hello and Welcome to Class 2. We are a mixed Year 1 & Year 2 class at Rawcliffe Primary School.
In Class 2 our children are friendly and enthusiastic. We are keen to join in with exciting learning opportunities and always want to do our best. In our class we are given the opportunity to reach our potential through high expectations and a supportive learning environment. We enjoy a mixture of learning time when we are ‘creating our own learning’ (COOL time) and also have more structured activities with our teachers as we make the transition from Class 1 and into the next stages of our education.
We regularly update our Class Dojo page - to share lots of information with our families each week - including curriculum newsletters, and to tell you about special events in class, in school and across the Federation.
If you would like to speak to me, please contact school via the office, catch me at home time, or message me on Class Dojo.
Here is our Curriculum Newsletter for Autumn 2 - giving you an overview of what the children will be learning about this half-term.
At the bottom of the page is a more detailed overview of what the children will be learning each week.
Spring 1- Curriculum Newsletter
Autumn 2- Curriculum Newsletter
Autumn 1- Curriculum Newsletter