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Pupil well-being and safety is of paramount importance in our schools. Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and school procedures have been developed in line with recommendations and guidance from the East Riding Safeguarding Children Board (ERSCB). The aim is to protect and promote the welfare, safety and healthy development of all pupils by fostering an honest, open, caring and supportive community.

Please feel free to contact Rachel Knight (DSL) or Rebecca Pashley (DDSL) with any queries or concerns.

The Federation of Rawcliffe Bridge and Rawcliffe Primary Schools’ Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy is reviewed annually and is available on the web site in the Policies Section. If you have any queries or would like to comment on any aspect of this Policy or make suggestions, please contact the DSL, Rachel Knight. If you would like a copy of the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, please contact the school direct on 01405 839249 (Rawcliffe Bridge) / 01405 839282 (Rawcliffe). 

Please be aware that in line with guidance provided to school by the Local Authority and documented in the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy (p.7, s.9.2 and s.24), there may be occasions that, due to specific circumstances and concerns, contact is made with partner agencies and advice sought, prior to parent / carers being contacted. However, this is by exception and the established and routine approach is to seek to work in a proactive and positive way with parents and carers.

Who is responsible?

It is everyones responsibility to safeguard children. If you have any concerns report it using the contacts below. During school hours you can speak to the school's Designated Safeguarding Lead. Out of school hours, you could ring the Eastriding Safeguarding and Partnership Hub on 01482 393939. In the case of an emergency, ring 999. 

Designated Safeguarding Lead
Deputy Designated Safguarding Lead
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Safeguarding Governor


Who do you contact? 

Role / Agency

Name & Role

Contact Details

School Designated Safeguarding Lead

Rachel Knight

Interim Executive Head


Rawcliffe Bridge: 01405 839249

Rawcliffe: 01405 839282

Deputy DSL

Rebecca Pashley

Class 1 Teacher


Danielle Littlewood-Wright


Rawcliffe Bridge: 01405 839249



Rawcliffe Bridge: 014505 839249

Rawcliffe: 01405 839282

Designated Safeguarding Governor

Hannah Gowthorpe


Chair of Governors

Susan Craik / Melanie Stokes


Looked After Children Designated Teacher

Rachel Knight


Rawcliffe Bridge: 014505 839249

Rawcliffe: 01405 839282

E-Safety Coordinator

Rebecca Pashley / Dannii Littlewood-Wright

Rawcliffe Bridge: 014505 839249


Safeguarding and Partnership Hub





CP initial referral

Support & Advice: Intensive & Specialist Safeguarding Support

1.      Urgent C P Concerns

2.     Consultation with an Advanced Social Worker

Mon to Thu 8:30am – 5:00pm

Fri 8:30am – 4:30pm   

01482 395500


Request for Service (RFS) forms should be sent to:

Children’s Emergency Duty Team

Urgent CP concerns outside of office hours where a child is at risk of significant harm.


01482 393939


Early Help Locality Hub

Early Help Additional Support for children & family’s initial consultation


Consultation 01482 391700

Request for Service form to the Hub nearest to where the child lives

Local ER Children

Safeguarding Team

Locality Safeguarding Hub

Amy Windsor and Caroline Sykes

01482 393939

Local ER Children

Safeguarding Team Manager

Caroline Sykes

Safeguarding in Education Team Manager

Chris Hamling

General strategic and operational School Safeguarding & CP advice

01482 392251



Jayne Hammill

Referral of possible allegations against staff & volunteers.

(01482) 396999


School critical incident, bomb threats etc & Educational Visits Emergencies (not Child Protection) 

24-hour Guidance & support

01482 392999

Humberside Police


ER Protecting Vulnerable People Unit

01482 220809


Humberside Police


Hate Crime / incident reporting


East Riding Safeguarding Children Partnership 

General strategic and operational Safeguarding & CP advice and multiagency training

01482 396994

ER Safeguarding Children Partnership Training

Training Admin & Information


North Yorks

North Lincs 

North East Lincs

Children’s Social Care


01482 448879  EDT  01482 300304

01609 780780  EDT  01609 780780

01724 296500  EDT  01724 296500

01472 326292  EDT  01472 326292

Prevent Referral

Humberside Police


101 /

Family Information Services Hub (FISH)

Free, impartial service for children, young people, parents/carers & the people who support them.

Phone: 01482 396469


Safer Training and Recruitment

All members of staff undergo safeguarding training at induction. This training is refreshed annually and in-line with local multi-agency safeguarding arrangements. To ensure all staff have relevant skills and knowledge to safeguard children effectively they are updated regularly via emails, staff meetings,  and newsletters. 

Safer Recruitment training is provided by the East Riding Safeguarding Children's Board. We follow strict procedures to ensure that everyone who works with our children are vetted, keeping our children as safe as possible. At least one member of staff sitting on interview panels have completed Safer Recruitment training within recommendations set by the ERSCP.

Safeguarding documents 

Please click on any of the key documents below for further information and guidance: 

Other Agencies

Because our first concern must be the well-being of your child, there may rare occasions when we have to consult other agencies to seek advice before we contact you. The procedures we have to follow is in accordance with the local authority child protection procedures, which are included as part of our policy.

We are fortunate to be supported by a range of external agencies which can be called upon to support the work we do in school. These include School Nurse, Health Practitioners, Speech and Language Therapists,  Educational Psychology, Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services, Behaviour Support, Social Services and Specialists in supporting Special Educational Needs. 


CPoms is our secure in school reporting system. This allows us to log incidents that occur in school to continue to safeguard your children. 

Operation encompass 

Operation Encompass is a national scheme that operates jointly between schools, local authorities and police forces. Police share information with schools when they have attended a domestic abuse incident. This enables schools to offer immediate support to children experiencing domestic abuse. Operation Encompass ensures that school are informed, within 24hours, when a child or young person has experienced a domestic incident, or a domestic incident has taken place at their home. The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 identifies children who experience domestic abuse as victims of domestic abuse in their own right. By receiving this information early via Operation Encompass, school can be better placed to support the children.


Safeguarding information for parents